+358452569025 toimisto@lakihakala.fi

Legal services
in the capital region
in a human way

Price list valid from 1.1.1023

Initial nego­tia­tion and basic charge

The initial consul­ta­tion with us is always free. During the initial consul­ta­tion, your situa­tion will be mapped and alter­na­tive ways of procee­ding will be reviewed, after which the best possible way forward will be chosen for you. If the nature of the assign­ment requires another expert, I recom­mend a more suitable partner.

During the initial consul­ta­tion, we will find out your possi­bi­li­ties for legal aid paid for by the state or legal protec­tion included in home insurance.

Basic charge per hour €250.00–290.00 VAT 0% (€310–359.6 VAT 24%). The smal­lest char­geable time unit is 15 minutes.

The basic charge is increased by 25% or 50% when the assign­ment is more respon­sible than usual and is based on special exper­tise, the inte­rest of the matter is excep­tio­nally high or the assign­ment is handled urgently, in a foreign language or outside office hours.

An hourly price higher than the basic charge will be noti­fied to the customer before measures are taken.

Fixed charge

Agree a fixed price with the customer for the prepa­ra­tion of certain docu­ments such as wills, marriage cont­racts or stan­dard sales documents.

Expenses and special fees, such as travel costs, expert opinions and official fees, as well as minor copying costs, will be charged separately.

The value added tax in force at any given time is added to the fees and charges charged.


We usually invoice our custo­mers four­teen days later. If neces­sary, we can also agree otherwise.

We reserve the right at any time to ask our customer for a reaso­nable advance in terms of fees and expenses.

The invoiced amounts are due in full on the due date indicated on the invoice, unless otherwise agreed. In addi­tion, late payment inte­rest is charged in accor­dance with the Inte­rest Act from the due date of the invoice.

The customer pays the invoice directly even in situa­tions where the customer has legal protec­tion insu­rance. If the insu­rance company lowers the amount of the insu­rance premium or the court lowers the amount to be paid by the other party, Law Office Kim Hakala has the right to bill the customer for the agreed price.

Contact us and we will arrange an initial consultation

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