+358452569025 toimisto@lakihakala.fi

Legal services
in the capital region
in a human way


Legal services for companies

We assist compa­nies, for example, in setting up and mana­ging a company, in cont­ract disputes, in compen­sa­tion cases and in draf­ting contracts.

Legal aid for individuals

Family and inhe­ri­tance law situa­tions are burden­some in the midst of running everyday life. It would be good to inter­vene in disputes as early as possible.

Criminal matters

In a criminal case, the assis­tance of a lawyer is neces­sary for the accused already in the preli­mi­nary inves­ti­ga­tion phase. The victim of a crime, on the other hand, may need legal help right from the time of filing a criminal report.

When you need legal services,
we are here for you

You can reach us easily and quickly, because it is impor­tant for us to be avai­lable smoothly. The initial consul­ta­tion with us is always free. During the initial consul­ta­tion, your situa­tion will be mapped and alter­na­tive ways of procee­ding will be reviewed, after which the best possible way forward will be chosen for you. If the nature of the assign­ment requires another expert, we also recom­mend the most suitable partner from our network. During the initial consul­ta­tion, we will find out your possi­bi­li­ties for legal aid paid for by the state or legal protec­tion included in home insurance.

We help compa­nies
and private
in various legal matters

Situa­tions related to family and inhe­ri­tance law as well as those related to busi­ness acti­vi­ties are burden­some in the middle of running everyday life, and we will do our best so that you can focus on the better aspects of life as quickly as possible. Disputes can arise in very diffe­rent life situa­tions, and they should be dealt with at an early stage. We’ll help you get the situa­tion under control either through discus­sion or criminal justice. We assist in all kinds of criminal cases.

Contact us and we will arrange an initial consultation

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