+358452569025 toimisto@lakihakala.fi

Legal services
in the capital region
in a human way

We help you in criminal cases

In a criminal case, the assis­tance of a lawyer is neces­sary for the accused already in the preli­mi­nary inves­ti­ga­tion phase.
The victim of a crime, on the other hand, may need legal assis­tance star­ting from the filing of a criminal report.

Assis­ting a suspect or accused of a crime

If you are suspected of a crime, you have the right to the legal assis­tance of a lawyer right from the begin­ning of the preli­mi­nary inves­ti­ga­tion of the crime. In particular, you should rely on the help of a lawyer during the police inter­ro­ga­tions during the preli­mi­nary investigation.

Using a lawyer protects your rights during inter­ro­ga­tions, and it also protects your chances of defen­ding your­self in a future trial.

It is particu­larly impor­tant that the preli­mi­nary inves­ti­ga­tion report written by the police is in accor­dance with your report. It is there­fore worth chec­king the report care­fully, making any possible correc­tions to it and only signing it when you think it fully corres­ponds to what you said. This is because the preli­mi­nary inves­ti­ga­tion report can be used as evidence suppor­ting the prosecu­tion in the trial.

We also handle criminal cases with legal aid.

Defen­ding and helping the victim of a crime

Anyone can become a victim of crime. If you suspect that you have been the victim of a crime, contact us. We help you assess what happened and, if neces­sary, prepare a criminal complaint and take your case forward through the courts. Being a victim of a crime is a distres­sing expe­rience that can under­mine the feeling of basic secu­rity. In this case, partici­pa­ting in the trial and dealing with compen­sa­tion issues can seem insur­moun­tably difficult. The situa­tion is made easier when you have a lawyer by your side who is genui­nely inte­rested in your well-being and your best interests.

A crime can cause many kinds of damage, and the perpet­rator of the crime is liable for damages. We help you find out what you can claim compen­sa­tion for, esti­mate the amount of damage, collect evidence and pursue your case in court, so that you will defi­ni­tely receive fair compen­sa­tion. If the offender turns out to be without funds, his iden­tity cannot be found out, or the offender is in prison, for example, we can help you apply for compen­sa­tion from the State Treasury.

If you have expe­rienced inti­mate partner violence or have otherwise been the victim of a serious crime, your assis­tant’s expenses will be reim­bursed from state funds. You may also be entitled to legal aid from state funds in other criminal situa­tions. We advise you in all these matters so that all your legal rights can be clari­fied and secured as efficiently as possible.

Contact us and we will arrange an initial consultation

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