Legal services
in the capital region
in a human way
Terms of engagement
Valid from 1 January 2023
Law firm Kim Hakala offers legal services to its clients in compliance with the general terms of engagement explained here. These terms and conditions apply to all assignments received by Lakiasiaintoimisto Kim Hakala, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the client in some respects.
Law on licensed legal assistants
The licensed legal assistants of our office are subject to the supervision of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Lawyers and the Board of Legal Assistants. In addition to them, the staff of our office as a whole is obliged to comply with laws, confidentiality regulations and ethical guidelines, such as the guidelines on good legal practice issued by the Finnish Bar Association. Before accepting the assignment, we check possible situations of obstruction. In these situations, we may have to reject the assignment.
Customer’s obligations
Our customer must promote the smoothness of our cooperation in particular
a) by urgently responding to our requests for additional information and instructions regarding the assignment,
b) by providing comprehensive and accurate information about the assignment, both at the beginning of the assignment and later when we perform the assignment,
c) by submitting complete background information related to the matter and circumstances and all other necessary documents before starting the assignment and
d) by promptly reporting all changes in circumstances related to the assignment.
In addition, our customers must present their possible comments about the services we offer within one (1) month of receiving the service and in any case no later than six (6) months after the action that is the subject of the comment.
Electronic and oral communication
Our office protects its e‑mail and Internet connections according to up-to-date requirements. However, sending information and documents by e‑mail involves risks. For example, outside parties can get their hands on unprotected information and messages may be accompanied by malware.
Our customer must notify us of the assignment in advance in writing if he does not accept communication in electronic form. Our office is not liable for damages related to electronic communication, unless the cause of the damage is an intentional or grossly neglige
Charge bases
The fee we charge for an assignment is based on the nature and urgency of the matter, the amount of work and the amount of interest in the matter, the necessary special expertise and the time required to complete the assignment, where the smallest time unit to be charged is 15 minutes.
The total fee estimates we give are indicative only, unless we have agreed otherwise with our client. Our office can separately agree on the use of fixed prices or other arrangements regarding remuneration.
Expenses and other special charges, such as travel costs, expert opinions and official fees, as well as minor copying costs, will be charged separately.
The value added tax in force at any given time is added to the fees and other fees charged.
We usually invoice our customers monthly in arrears, unless specifically agreed otherwise.
We reserve the right at any time to request a reasonable advance from our client for fees and expenses.
Invoiced amounts are due in full on the due date indicated on the invoice, unless otherwise agreed. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, the invoice will also be charged late payment interest in accordance with the Interest Act from the due date of the invoice.
The customer invoices the Law Firm Kim Hakala directly even in situations where the customer has legal protection insurance, unless otherwise agreed. If the insurance company lowers the amount of premium to be reimbursed from the insurance or the court lowers the amount to be paid by the other party, Law Office Kim Hakala has the right to bill the customer for the agreed price.
Abandoning the assignment
In addition to what is prescribed in the Good Legal Practice Guidelines, we reserve the right, at our discretion, to decide to suspend or terminate our work for our client if our client does not pay our invoice despite our notice.
Responsibility of our office
Our office’s liability for the legal services provided by our office, based on the assignment agreement concluded with the client, is in all cases limited to damage caused by professional error and to a maximum amount of two hundred thousand euros (€200,000), or to an amount that corresponds to twice the amount that our office has billed the client for the assignment in question, and which the customer has completed, depending on which of these is greater in amount. We are not responsible for direct or indirect damages or losses, nor for claims by third parties.
Our office has liability insurance with the Mutual Insurance Company Fennia.
Law and venue
Finnish law applies to our commission relationships, excluding its conflict of law rules. Disagreements are resolved using the procedures provided by the Finnish Bar Association or in the Helsinki District Court as the first instance. However, the parties have the right to bring the matter of the overdue claim before the general court.
Contact us and we will arrange an initial consultation
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